Refund and Returns Policy

Enjoy Shopping with Confidence!

We offer a hassle-free 10-day return/refund policy for your peace of mind.

Here’s how it works:

  • If your item is damaged or you receive the wrong product:
    • Contact us within 10 days of delivery.
    • We’ll provide a free exchange for the correct item.
    • If you prefer a refund, we’ll process it within 24 hours of receiving the returned item.
  • Returning/exchanging an item for personal reasons:
    • You’re welcome to return or exchange an item within 10 days of delivery.
    • Please note that you’ll be responsible for the return shipping cost.


  • All returned items must be in their original condition with tags attached.
  • To initiate a return or exchange, please contact us via or WhatsApp 0315-7364066

Shop with confidence, knowing you can always return or exchange your purchase with ease!


Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.

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